No excuse for not knowing
I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me they didn't know a certain event was coming to Green Bay or to our complex. In this day and age of media explosion I tell them you've got to be kidding. Even if you don't listen to the radio or aren't able to catch the newspaper (either hard copy or online), there are a million other ways. Who doesn't have a smart phone these days? Actually, I don't, but besides me? We are using all of the so called hot social media outlets these days. Being "social" is in! The Resch Center is on facebook and of course we're tweeting like the rest of the free world on twitter @reschcenter. If that doesn't do it for you, you can sign up to be an eStar e-mail member. We'll send you the event announcements and you can even narrow it down to the the types of events you want to hear about. For a shameless plug, you can go to the site and sign up at the top of the page. You'll always get the announcements right away and sometimes you'll get special ticket offers. Gosh, the only other thing we can do is personally knock on your door. Oh, and this blog? Yup, that's social media too. So, no more excuses...and I mean this especially for a few of MY friends. Get connected and stop letting the world pass you by!
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