Friday, July 16, 2010

Rare for concert tour to start in GB

A lot of concerts have come through Green Bay at the Brown County Arena and Resch Center over the years, but not many groups actually start their tours here. That, however, will happen when The Judds come to town November 26. And it's not just any old tour, it's their "Final Reunion Tour." Tickets for that show go on sale this Saturday, July 17 at The tour starts the day after Thanksgiving and will include new Judds and Wynonna music from an upcoming album. They also say they will incorporate classic Christmas songs into their set because they will officially be in the holiday season. Pretty neat deal for Green Bay and the Resch Center.

The Resch Center/PMI Entertainment Group staff now has two Leicht at Nite concerts under our belts. The concerts at Leicht Park in downtown Green Bay along the Fox River have been awesome. The crowds have really come out and the great weather the past two Thursdays certainly hasn't hurt. Next Thursday features Sonic Circus. A complete schedule is available at


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