Monday, October 25, 2010

Cat & Mouse game

This time, the venue is my house and the event is a game of cat and mouse. Literally. You see we have a house cat that my wife has insisted we let outside. Now she has created a monster because the cat (his name is Batman) wants to go out all the time. Seems harmless enough unless you too have a cat and know what they're capable of when it comes to mice. You would also know that cats like to bring presents for their owners. Batman created his own cat door by poking a hole in our roll up patio screen door and starting bringing live mice into the house after he caught them.

Being the "educated" people we are, we finally started to shut the door behind him so he couldn't bring anything in. But he got us. Not sure when or how, but he got us. I'm getting ready to go to the gym one early morning last week when I see a mouse run across our bedroom floor with Batman in chase. He could have caught it but of course he didn't want to....this time...because he was playing. Needless to say, we couldn't catch it and didn't know where it went....until the next morning. I'm getting ready to go to the gym again at 5:45 am and I see Batman in the kitchen looking up and staring at the kitchen ceiling by our patio drapes. I'm thinking "you gotta be kidding me!" I walk over and sure enough, there's the mouse at the top of the drapes, by the curtain rod, looking down at the cat. You can't make this stuff up!

Once again, short of burning our drapes, we couldn't catch the mouse and again didn't know where it went. So our "educated" selves bought a mouse trap - my wife insisted it be a live trap so we could "catch and release." We set the trap later that day near the drapes and sure enough, when we got home from being out, the game was over. The mouse was jailed. We pardoned it and released it outside. Finally, it was over. This time. If you've ever had a cat, you know what I mean.


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