Friday, October 08, 2010

Here we go!

Starting right about now the Brown County Veterans Memorial Complex begins to get busy for the season. Aside from a rare weekend here and there, it's almost guaranteed there will be something going on at the Resch Center, Brown County Arena or Shopko Hall every weekend. Many times events going on in all three or two of the buildings. There's three things going this weekend! Milwaukee Bucks in the Resch, Bullshooters Dart Tournament in Shopko Hall and the Savagefest concert going on in the BC Arena.

It's fear the deer time Saturday night as the Bucks are here. We're hoping you feed the deer as in coming to support the Bucks. It's certainly not a given they will be here every year and a show of support in the form of attendance I think would help the Bucks decide to come back. It's our unique chance to see NBA basketball in our backyard. I know pre-season action in any sport isn't always the biggest attraction, but you have to hand it to the Bucks for making the ticket prices reasonable. I mean if you want to spend big bucks to sit really close or at courtside, you can do it. But you can also get in the building for as little as $9 or $15 and see professional athletes. On top of that, the Bucks and PMI Entertainment Group are teaming up to offer Buck Night (how appropriate) with buck sodas and buck hot dogs. So fear the deer, feed the deer and feed your family at the Bucks game!


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