Friday, November 12, 2010

Dane has it "Cook"ing

We all know social media has hit like a fire storm. Most every business is using either facebook, twitter or writing a blog. ('re reading my blog). This past week comedian Dane Cook came to the Resch Center and he is a big user of twitter. I mean big. He has well over one million people who follow him on twitter. One million! That's more subscribers than most if not all newspapers in the country! I don't mean collectively, but for a single paper. Cook uses twitter to tell his fans what he's doing and to promote his tour, his CDs, movies, whatever. He tweeted on the way to Green Bay - we re-tweeted him a couple of times! So, we got in on the act. We were able to obtain two front row seats to his performance to give away as part of a twitter contest. My guess is his management was willing to part with the front row tix for the contest because Dane is a big believer in twitter. We simply asked our followers to re-tweet the message that Dane Cook was coming to the Resch and that one lucky re-tweeter would be randomly chosen as the winner. We got a great response and more exposure for the show.

What does this mean for you? Sign up to be a follower of @reschcenter. You will be among the first to know when shows are coming or when tickets in the first 5 rows are released like they were for Dane Cook. You will also have more chances to win tickets to upcoming events - probably for doing something as easy as re-tweeting our message. Welcome to the new world of marketing. Take advantage of what we have to offer and what other businesses have to offer. They're all anxious for you to hop on board their social media bandwagon...and many times willing and able to give you great deals or great giveaways. Just ask the gal who sat in the front row for Dane Cook!


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