Disney On Ice has come and gone from the Resch Center, but as always, it has left its mark and it's not "minnie." It's huge. The show is the biggest thing to come to the Resch each year as far as attendance. It's pretty big for the Green Bay area too. Nearly 30,000 people attend the 8 performances of the show typically from a Wednesday through a Sunday. I know it has a big effect on area businesses and restaurants in the area because I've seen first hand all of the little princesses and Mickey Mouses who are eating at these restaurants before the shows with their moms and dads. I'm sure many who come from the U.P. also shop at our many stores.
The show also tries to leave its mark on the community before it leaves making some sort of appearance or holding something at the arena for a local charity or school. This year I helped arrange a reading event for second graders from Nicolet Elementary School on Green Bay's east side. The students made the short walk to the Boys & Girls Club where they were read a book by a Disney On Ice skater, asked some questions and got a surprise visit by Mickey & Minnie as you can see in the photo.
Chances are you've been to one of these shows over the years if you have kids or will be going soon. Besides the great fun and entertainment provided by this colorful event, always remember M-I-C-K-E-Y is B-I-G business for the entire area every February!
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