My take on the LFL - it's another circus!

My take? It's another circus. Another rodeo, another boxing match, another hockey game. All of these events have detractors. Some people oppose a circus or rodeo because they believe animals are abused. Others don't like boxing because of its brutality and others hockey because a fight might break out. However, all of these events have a huge following. I can't tell you that you're wrong for what you believe. Hopefully we all make intellgient decisions on what we spend our money on and we know WHAT we're spending it on. Yes the women will wear skimpy uniforms, but so have the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders for probably 30+ years. I'm not saying either is right or wrong. The fact of the matter is we all have morals, we're all different and we should all be living according to our own morals. Me? Yeah, the uniforms are sparse, but it is tackle football and I'm interested to see how good the football is.