Monday, October 25, 2010

Cat & Mouse game

This time, the venue is my house and the event is a game of cat and mouse. Literally. You see we have a house cat that my wife has insisted we let outside. Now she has created a monster because the cat (his name is Batman) wants to go out all the time. Seems harmless enough unless you too have a cat and know what they're capable of when it comes to mice. You would also know that cats like to bring presents for their owners. Batman created his own cat door by poking a hole in our roll up patio screen door and starting bringing live mice into the house after he caught them.

Being the "educated" people we are, we finally started to shut the door behind him so he couldn't bring anything in. But he got us. Not sure when or how, but he got us. I'm getting ready to go to the gym one early morning last week when I see a mouse run across our bedroom floor with Batman in chase. He could have caught it but of course he didn't want to....this time...because he was playing. Needless to say, we couldn't catch it and didn't know where it went....until the next morning. I'm getting ready to go to the gym again at 5:45 am and I see Batman in the kitchen looking up and staring at the kitchen ceiling by our patio drapes. I'm thinking "you gotta be kidding me!" I walk over and sure enough, there's the mouse at the top of the drapes, by the curtain rod, looking down at the cat. You can't make this stuff up!

Once again, short of burning our drapes, we couldn't catch the mouse and again didn't know where it went. So our "educated" selves bought a mouse trap - my wife insisted it be a live trap so we could "catch and release." We set the trap later that day near the drapes and sure enough, when we got home from being out, the game was over. The mouse was jailed. We pardoned it and released it outside. Finally, it was over. This time. If you've ever had a cat, you know what I mean.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sky's the limit for Resch

On Thursday, October 14, the Resch Center had an event that probably ranks in the top 5 for attendance. It wasn't a concert, a basketball game or a family show. Instead, an estimated 9,500 Catholic students, teachers, volunteers, priests and others were here for an all schools Mass. It was pretty impressive and has been in the works for at least a year. They came from all over. As a Catholic, I was proud. As an event marketing professional, I was thrilled to see yet another wonderful use for this building. It's proof once again that the Resch Center was built for all the right reasons 8 years ago - as a multi-purpose building. We had 8,500 here in the spring as the Gamblers won the Clark Cup championship in a stunning game 5. Several thousand were here two years ago for Barack Obama and again for John McCain. We host a very large Jehovah's Witnesses gathering here every year and have had Kenneth Copeland ministries here in the past. The Hmong New Year celebration will be in our complex shortly. PMI Entertainment Group does not discriminate in who it allows to rent the building. It's open to darn near anyone and anything if the dates are available. Our job is to keep the Resch and others in the Brown County Veterans Memorial Complex as busy as possible. It is very expensive to operate and maintain the buildings and the bills won't get paid if they're vacant.

Among those coming through the doors in the next few weeks will be people who enjoy WWE, Gamblers hockey, Sweet Street halloween festival, Dane Cook comedy and Christian music in concerts by Bill Gaither and "The Make A Difference Tour 2010." Talk about multiple use!

Friday, October 08, 2010

Here we go!

Starting right about now the Brown County Veterans Memorial Complex begins to get busy for the season. Aside from a rare weekend here and there, it's almost guaranteed there will be something going on at the Resch Center, Brown County Arena or Shopko Hall every weekend. Many times events going on in all three or two of the buildings. There's three things going this weekend! Milwaukee Bucks in the Resch, Bullshooters Dart Tournament in Shopko Hall and the Savagefest concert going on in the BC Arena.

It's fear the deer time Saturday night as the Bucks are here. We're hoping you feed the deer as in coming to support the Bucks. It's certainly not a given they will be here every year and a show of support in the form of attendance I think would help the Bucks decide to come back. It's our unique chance to see NBA basketball in our backyard. I know pre-season action in any sport isn't always the biggest attraction, but you have to hand it to the Bucks for making the ticket prices reasonable. I mean if you want to spend big bucks to sit really close or at courtside, you can do it. But you can also get in the building for as little as $9 or $15 and see professional athletes. On top of that, the Bucks and PMI Entertainment Group are teaming up to offer Buck Night (how appropriate) with buck sodas and buck hot dogs. So fear the deer, feed the deer and feed your family at the Bucks game!